Grandma & Grandpap with 8 of their grandchildren |
Claysville, PA August of 1976 |
Back row: Grandma holding Krissy Taylor, Ruth McTheny in middle,
Grandpap holding David Grant; Front row: Kae and Renea Taylor, Bridget, Richie and Sherry Grant.
Ruth Marie McTheny, daughter of Marie and Charles
McTheny, was their first grandchild.
Ruth & Craig Hamrick 2004 |


These are the children
of William (Bill) Taylor. The three boys are with his first wife, Naomi McCracken, the three girls are with his second
wife, Shirlean Ike.
Bills 6 children |
Jeffrey, Greg, David, Kae, Krissy & Renea Taylor |
First grandson of Albert
& Thelma Taylor
Jeffrey William Taylor |
Age 3 |
Second grandson of Albert & Thelma Taylor
Gregory Alan Taylor |
5 weeks old |
Fourth grandson of Albert
& Thelma Taylor
David Glen Taylor |
Early Grade School |
Third granddaughter of
Albert & Thelma Taylor
Shirlean Renea Taylor |

1971 just a few months old |
Alexis Taylor, 2004 |
Great-granddaughter of Albert & Thelma, daughter of Renea Taylor |

Children of Elizabeth (Betty)
Taylor and Richard Grant
The Grant Family about 1982 |
David & Betty in front, Richie, Rich, & Sherry |

Norma's children
Bridget, Elizabeth & Will Brewer |
Taken in January 1988 |

Sons of Carol & David Lanza Sr.
grandson of Albert & Thelma Taylor
David Glen Lanza Jr. |
4 years old |
Fifteenth & youngest grandson of Albert & Thelma Taylor
Joseph Edward Lanza |
3 years old |